Journey to Kampung Inggris ‘Pare’

October 10th, 2012. That’s the one of great moment happened in my life. Yeah, in that day i found that all the effort i’ve done review surrounding my head and mixed with my dream 10 years ago. In simple sentence, my dream came true to be the one of graduater student from State Accounting Colledge a.k.a. STAN with cumlaude GPA. But, i don’t want to talk about that, perhaps later i’ll show you how worderful moment it is. In this opportunity, i’ll tell you about the great-story-moment after graduation, at least according to me, hehe. 

Okey, let’s get started!!

As a new graduater from STAN, i had many leasure time ’till ministry of finance give us a job. Such as tiring waiting like the graduater before that hafta wait more than 6 mouths. And now, I don’t know exactly how long i hafta wait. May be 3 mouth, a half of year, ah always make me dizzy if hafta thinking about that. okey, let’s continue my story after graduation. The idea come from the unintention conversation with one of my friend.

Before graduation held, i got little conversation with my friend in cafe a.k.a warteg. Yeah, it’s absolutely about the future planning after left this colledge. ‘Cause i had no idea about that, he suggested me to go kampung Inggris in Pare. with spontanious Respon, I replied, “What the hell is that? is it located in Indonesia?,’ and he replied with smile, “can opener can open a can.”And ever read a quate that ‘sometimes a great story comes from little conversation.’ and I guess this’s one of them.

As a beginer boy ’bout that information, i looked for futher information about that location first and start to googling. On the other hand, i definitely looked for friends too with same interest, haha. i think at least there was close friends if there’s something wrong happen such as lost in stranger place. Finally, i found a friend and he aggred to join me go to PARIS (some people usualy mention that place with it). His name’s Angga. One of close friend at Threat STAN. As time goes by, we registered and surely went to there with short preparation and definitely high motivation.

Perhaps, some reader have a question about what course we wanna take. Okey, i’ii explain, i took some course there, first i took MARVELOUS Stage one, and the ELLA for speaking, and the last Public Speaking from Daffodile. But, i didn’t give information about three course that i ever took ’cause i don’t focus on it , perhaps i’ll explain them later.

Actually, i’m confuse to write down all the memory in Pare, ’cause there are so many unforgetable memory and wonderful experience there. But, it’s okey if this story can’t cover all the memory, at least i can give a little part inspiring story that can motivated you all to do possitive action. And of course triger you all to go to Pare absolutely. 🙂

When came Pare at the first time, october 26th 04.30 pm,

At the first time my leg step Pare land, i felt that there’s some strange about this village. Something diffirent with another village. I just wish this village can change my life to be better, hopefully. When the sun almost set in west, i found that marvelous office already closed. So, we together ask to the native people there and fortunetelly she bring us to the one of marvelous camp. Oh ya, i went there still with Angga. The one of my classmate friend who confused about how spent his leasure time, definitely like me, haha. We walked together with the native people as a guide went to one of marvelous’s camp.

At Marvelous Camp,

From far away i looked that a bunch of people enjoying the twilight at porch. I saw a big big annoncement at right of the door, ” Camp 9, English Area 24/7.” And Surely the other announcement write down in english too, like “Keep clean, Fucker”. Little bit rude i think, haha. but it’s okey still tolerable. First time i got interaction with the leader of the camp, i found something strange with myself and my friend. I CANT SPEAK ENGLISH AT ALL EVEN THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTION AND WORD IN MY HEAD TO TALK ABOUT. i knew about all my new friends talk about, but if wanna try to gave some response and asked a question about something, i found it very hard in my mouth. My mouth felt like knock if i wanna try it. In the different day, one of my friend tell me that it’s just a CULTURE SHOCK. it’ll disapear along with the habit adaptation. Oh iya, you can googling it if you wanna find the meaning of Culture Shock. Ok. As time goes by, with high motivation dan passion to be master in English, finnaly i found it’s not as difficult as i think. Just need try it every day and try to use to with the habit, surely you’ll become smarter and smarter in English.

Yeah, that’s my story about my backgroud why i came to Pare and my first impresion too about that village. Actually there’re still bunch of story that i would like to tell. About suprise at the first night at the camp, about my course at marvelous, about worderful tourism place in Pare, and yeah about my super duper powerful public speaking class at daffodile, haha. I’ll explain all it above later in different post, perhaps. Okey, that’s my story. Hope you all enjoy all my writing. So, what about yours? Do you interested to going to Pare? I’m sure you never dispointed go there 😀


One response

  1. I just can say “alright one more” and “repeat after me” LOL

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