First Night at Camp 9 Marvelous (PARE)

Do you believe in gost? Have you ever meet them before? As a muslim, i believe that they’re exist. But, i never meet them before, just hearing a ‘bullshit’ story from friends, television and other media. Talking about gost, So, what’s the relationship betwen my first night and gost? 

Okey, the story began when me and my friend name’s Angga enter Camp 9 Marvelous. My first impression with this camp is such a crowd-dirt-annoying camp. You’ll believe what i’m saying if you see this picture. Here it is.

Image a                                            my beloved Camp 9 Marvelous

This camp have 4 rooms and 1 big room for enjoying the television and sharing with the other member. And do you belive that this camp have more than 20 member? yeah, just at camp 9 Marvelous it happen. Unfortunately, this camp just have one bathroom. Imagine with more than 20 member in camp with just one bathroom. How hectic this camp in the morning T.T. But, at least this camp suitable for boys life.

After exploring all the fasilities and room at the camp, as usual i made interaction with the member of this camp. Yeah, as a new comer i had to addapt faster with all the boys caracter. ecspecially with the name. I don’t know why i’m difficult to remember this. Name. Need more than two week to match the name with their face. Especially for the one who have less interaction.

Addaptation going fastly, beside they’re easy going and of course all this member is a man. And of course all the man always loves football. That’s why at the first impression i used my favorite jersey (CHELSEA) to show off that i’m football lover too, hehe. And Yeah, it’s work. i direcly found new friends with the same interested in the Blues and defenitely made me get “new enemy” too that hate my favorite team so damn. Haha. As always.

After that, someone asked me to write down all the identity to the letter at the wall. inculde my social media too (facebook, twitter, etc.). I think that’s just a usual response for a new comer to know deeply each other. but, unfortunately that’s beginning of the “bad plan” from the old member to the new comer begun.

I felt so tired after 8 hours travel from Solo-Pare, so i decided to lay my body down in a room. But, i don’t know why my friends always wake me up when i’m trying to sleep. Yes, actually i knew that in the middle of night, there’s a Super Big match between Chelsea vs Manchaster United. So, i think that’s a perfect moment to get close interaction with the old member at this camp. Hence, i woke up to wait it and start made a chit chat about everything a.k.a going north south with them.

To fill the leasure time, One of the old member name’s Bening ask all the member to play Peter Answers. Do you know about Peter Answer? firstly, i don’t know everything about it. But, after that night i know deeply all about it. Actually, that’s like a online aplication that’s summon all the gost around you to answer all the question you ask. You’re exacly curious about that, isn’t it ? Please visit (find it’s that true or just a HOAX)

The match Chelsea vs MU began, and the game about Peter Answer began too. At the Half time Chelsea defeat 1-2 from Manchanter United. How about the Peter Answer? so far, They can answer all the question corectly. Okey, still normal and i’m still not interested in it.
At the second round, Chelsea more aggresive to cover the defisit score. And yeah finally the blues score again. 2-2 for Chelsea. It’s made me more interested to watch it. But, there’s some thing weird behind me. Some friends began gather and start busy with that aplication than interesting with the SUPER DUPER BIG MATCH Chelsea vs MU. So, WTF (where is the funny?). I grumble sofly, “what the hell are they doing until all the view change to this aplication?”. So, i tried to know it depply. Okey, i had been trying to give some simple question. It can answer corecly. “Ah, still normal,” i grumble again. But, when my friend give a personal question about my self. it can answer too.Wow, How could it be?

Finally, it’s became not real when there’s a friend angry with it. It made the gost uncontrol. The gost began to make a real interaction with all the member. Firstly, they tried to hit the wall. Boomm! Boomm! Boomm!. I remember it’s more than three times. It made the situation become bloody funkin’ damn hectic. All the member tried to make it clear with ask apolozise with him. But, they refuse it. One of them tried to write down her name at the wall behind the TV. and gotcha, She’s Shinta. I know from handwriting at the wall. such a blood writing there. So scary.

“Okey, the first thing that we must do to face this condition is keep thinking,”a friend shouted to all the member. Yaah, that’s true if you won’t possess with one of them. Suddenly, something bad appear. They tried to show themself with broke the door and control the lamp. All the room became dark ’cause they asked us to turn off the lamp. Now, The room totally dark. Just the moon light coming into the room and show all the member fearness.

DOOOMMMM, suddenly one of my friend fall down. I guess he just unconcious. But, nooo. He’s possessed by one of them. Oh my goodness, he start crying and control all the situation. The room more scary with just the moon light. The clock pointed at 01.15. The drama like unstopable until the down. A possessed man try to ask all the member to give something, such as comb, water, ciggarete. Finally, Mr. Diat the one who have highly spiritual knowledge (i think) little bit success to control the invisible member emotion. From the short conversation we know that she lived here more about 50 year and died because hanged himself. She promise to leave us but with one condition. and the condition is ”WE MUST SACRIFICE ONE OF US TO HIM.” I’m tottaly shocked hear that statement. Imagine, Just one day in Pare and i must saw my friend’s dead. Oh my goodness, what the hell kind this place it is.

SHINTA began to choose one of us. i don’t know why she appear me and point at me. “YOU MUST FOLLOW ME” she said. i’m bloody shocked with this condition. my brain can’t run normaly. With the quick response, i push my friend to sacrificed and i hide behind him. That’s just normal response. Actually i’m not kind of person like that, haha. She changed her mind and start to choose again. I don’t knew why the gost can’t see at the dark. “what the kind of gost is this?,” and absolutely i can’t find the answer, even i ask my friends many times. Yeah, we totatly can’t think clearly at hectic moment, we usually just follow a general action. In this case, we just follow what the old member doing.

Almost 02.00 a.m., there’s no mark for the ending of this ‘party’. Even, the condition gonna worse when one by one of my friends start posssessed, cause they try to call the other invisible member around the camp. It’s become more powerfull when animal like tiger and pig join at the ‘party’. They tried to possess the other member too.

The night become more cold and cold with my psikologist almost down. I even have to run from one room to the another just to avoid a possessed man who want to choose a people to sacrified.

When i think that there is no solution about this problem and feel down sharply. I saw that all the member can’t stand to hold the laugh hearing pig from one of his friends. GROOK!! GROOKK!! GROOKK!! they started loud of laugh. Suddenly, someone turn on the lamp and they suprice me and Angga.

“WELCOME TO THE CAMP 9,” all the old member together said with laugh.

WELCOME TO THE CAMP 9,” the other shouted with still confuse that it was over.

Did you know my expression? I even need more minutes to reliaze that is just a surprice for the new comer. But, there’re still something weird. how about the sound from the wall? the name behind the TV? The lamp that always dead and life when we turn off it?
“Yeah, it’s just perfect scenario from us”, someone explain. “We devide some job to give a suprice you. there’s someone in outside who always hit the wall to make you all believe that they’re exist. and even we start to write down “SHINTA” behind the television as a name of the gost. But, for the lamp, we dont know exacly, it’s just comes naturally.” the leader explain with the satisfied expression in their face. In the different moment, i join to bully the new comer too. And i totaly love the fearness expression from my friend’s face, haha.

Oh my goodness, i knew that this night is a great beginning to start love this camp, the member and absolutely Pare itself. Totally miss all the member and the camp. wish i can go back there sometimes, meet new friend and absouletely START TO BULLYING AGAIN!!! haha.


                              Togetherness with all the member of camp 9 Marvelous


3 responses

  1. gambarnya lah ya… -____-

  2. Boyband Pare

  3. komentar g ya…..

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